Salary Estimator
- The “Salary Prediction App” is a Streamlit application that utilizes the Multiple Linear Regression algorithm to predict an individual’s salary based on various features such as years of experience, education level, and job type.
- The app allows users to input the relevant information and the app will predict the expected salary.
- The Multiple Linear Regression model is trained on a synthetic dataset of employee information, which allows it to make accurate predictions for new data points.
- The user interface is simple and easy to navigate, and the app can be used by job seekers, recruiters, and researchers to understand the relationship between different features and salary.
- The app is also a great tool for job seekers to evaluate their earning potential in different roles and industries, for recruiters to benchmark salaries for different positions, and for researchers to study the effect of various factors on salary.
- It is important to note that this is a hypothetical example and the model is not trained on real-world data.