Welcome to my data science portfolio, where I showcase my skills and passion for solving complex problems with data-driven solutions.
Recent Projects
An Exploratory data Analysis Application.
The “Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) App” is a Streamlit application that utilizes the pandas profiling library to quickly and easily perform exploratory data analysis on any dataset. The app allows users to upload a CSV file and generate a comprehensive report of the dataset, including summary statistics, missing values, correlation, and other relevant information. The pandas profiling library is a powerful tool that automates the process of performing EDA, saving users time and effort.
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An Image Classification App
The “Image Classification App” is a Streamlit application that uses the pre-trained VGG16 model from Imagenet to classify images. It allows users to upload an image and the app will provide a prediction of the most likely object or objects in the image, along with a confidence score. The VGG16 model is a convolutional neural network trained on millions of images, which enables it to recognize a wide variety of objects and scenes with high accuracy.
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An ML App
The “ML App” is a Streamlit-based application that allows users to perform end-to-end machine learning tasks with minimal coding. The app takes in user data and guides them through the process of selecting and training a model, evaluating its performance, and making predictions. Users can select from a variety of pre-built models, including popular algorithms such as Random Forest, XGBoost and Neural Network. The app has a built-in evaluation metric such as accuracy, which allows users to easily compare different models and select the best one.
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